The National Heavy Vehicle Accreditation Scheme (NHVAS) Fatigue Management Module encourages Heavy Vehicle Operators to take greater responsibility for the safety and wellbeing of drivers, the community and other road users. The Fatigue Management Modules also provide added flexibility for operators who implement auditable accredited systems to manage driver fatigue. Less driver fatigue is a proactive approach and demonstrates to the community this level of compliance is an initiative to assist with road safety.
There are 2 options within the Fatigue Management Module:
– Basic Fatigue Management (BFM)
– Advanced Fatigue Management (AFM)
This will assist you to manage the fatigue and wellbeing of Workers/Drivers more efficiently, by implementing clear procedures to be followed, assisting to ensure that Drivers & Schedulers have the knowledge and training to manage their fatigue, work & rest hours and also reducing the risk of penalties for breaches of work/rest hours. Initially, by having clear procedures in place, this will assist in ensuring that all relevant persons have the knowledge and ability to ensure work is being completed within legislated work & rest hour limits.
The benefits to operators may include:
- Encouragement of responsibility from all stakeholders;
- More consistent compliance with road safety standards;
- Assisting with administering and control of documents;
- Improvements in productivity and efficiency due to greater flexibility; –
- Improved Worker/Driver safety and wellbeing;
- Improved Worker/Driver morale and attendance;
- Provide education to Workers/Drivers on FITNESS FOR DUTY;
- Increased customer confidence with fatigue managed Workers/Drivers
- Better Worker/Driver confidence
- Foster better relationships with regulatory agencies;
- Reduced impact of enforcement
Benefits to the community include better and more consistent compliance with road safety standards. As an accredited operator under the Fatigue Management Module, you must know what your Workers/Drivers schedules, trips and rosters are to ensure that they do not exceed their legislated work & rest limits. This needs to be documented and monitored ongoing by the Scheduler, with the method chosen to address and document this being at your discretion. It must be documented & the method explained, and this comprises your Fatigue Management System.
Your Fatigue Management System must comply with the requirements outlined in the National Heavy Vehicle Accreditation Scheme (NHVAS): Business Rules and Standards. As an accredited operator, enrolled in Fatigue Management, you will be audited periodically by an independent auditor to ensure that you are continuing to meet the standards of the scheme. If your audit is successful, your accreditation will be renewed. Alternatively, you may be asked to improve your system before renewal of your accreditation.
Accreditation does not exempt you from the law. You may be audited at any time, with your vehicles & Workers/Drivers also subject to on-road checks to ensure conformance to the NHVAS. Fatigue Management Accreditation will ensure you receive preferential treatment from enforcement agencies when checking Worker/Driver records and work/rest times.
In effect, having Elite Compliance Consulting (ECC) assist you in implementing a Fatigue Management System, the following resources and standard forms will be provided within the Fatigue Management System Manual:
– Monthly Compliance Reports for Fatigue
– Training Needs Analysis & Register
– Training, Awareness & Education Records & Resources
– Vehicle Resources Register
– Annual Internal Review for Fatigue
– Letter of Authorisation
– Non Conformance Forms and Non Conformance Register
– Accident, Incident & Near Miss Report Form & Investigation Resources
– Work Diary Review Register
– Safe Driving Plan
– Scheduling and Rostering Record
– Medical Form
– Safe Operating Procedure (SOP) for:
– Fatigue & Worker Wellbeing
– Scheduling & Rostering
Alternatively if you already have a Fatigue Management System implemented, and would like assistance in revising or updating your internal documentation, please contact Elite Compliance Consulting. You are able to purchase our full suite of Fatigue Management forms. Click here.
Click here to see how easy it is to enrol in NHVAS Basic Fatigue Management Module.