In order to maintain your compliance obligations, it is suggested that the best practice for all business owners is to review your internal systems, processes and documentation regularly. As advised by NHVR, operators are required to review their accreditation manuals details and supporting documents, used in your compliance processes to ensure they are compliant with the standards.
The review of documentation may include:
- Vehicle inspection check lists – managers are to ensure these lists cover all specific items per configuration/s eg: load restraint, PBS permits, spill kits, tow couplings including ring feeders and draw bar inspections.
- Training resources – managers are to ensure that the training provided to your staff, managers, drivers and IMPORTANTLY Workshop staff cover all your expectations and define internal reporting requirements.
- Annual Compliance Reviews – these are best completed by an independent person – NHVAS and CoR systems and records are to be assessed and viewed and any non-conformities are corrected by a competent person.
- Risk Register – assist with determining and controlling any known risks in your business. Documenting a Company Risk Register with current known business risks is an important process. Regularly reviewing the business risks should also be a core process to be completed periodically.
ECC can provide guidance and support to assist business operators become aware of their obligations, by assessing or auditing such items as mentioned above. This may involve conducting an on-site or desktop audit of the provided business documents and records as created within your business. To conclude, ECC staff would present your management team with suggestions for improvement or conducting the required works on behalf of your business and implementing any changes.